Use our editor to create completely custom template designs, or to adapt our presets.

Canvas Settings

Set up the canvas of your template to define its size and background color (or transparency).

Placid template editor - canvas toolbar

Adding Elements

You can add the following elements to your canvas with the Create-Toolbar on the left:

  • Images
  • Text Fields
  • Rectangles (that can be circles too, if you use border radius on them!)
  • Browser Frames (to be filled with an image or a screenshot of a website)

Placid template editor - create toolbar


In the layer list, you can see all the elements that are positioned on your canvas

  • Change the layer order with drag-and drop
  • Toggle the visibility or dynamic setting for each layer
  • Edit the layer's name by hovering & clicking on the edit icon

Placid template editor - layer list

If you select a layer, you'll also get some additional options in the general toolbar:

  • Center the layer vertically or horizontally on the canvas
  • Change the layer order (move backwards or forwards)
  • Change the opacity of the layer
  • Duplicate the layer
  • Delete the layer

Placid template editor - element toolbar

Arrange Layers

In the arrangement settings, you can control an element's size and position on the canvas. These settings appear as soon as you select an element in the layer list or on your canvas.

  • Position x: The element's distance from the left edge of the canvas.
  • Position y: The element's distance from the top edge of the canvas.
  • Size W: Element width
  • Size H: Element height
  • Rotation: Rotation of the element in °

Placid template editor - arrange panel

Element Settings

Every type of element has specific settings you can customize to your needs. These settings appear as soon as you select an element in the layer list or on your canvas.

Editing History (Undo, Redo)

You can undo and redo actions in the editor at any time during a session. Use the undo and redo icons, or click on the "History" button on the top right to see and restore previous versions of your template.

Placid template editor - undo / redo


You can zoom the canvas with the zoom control, or via keyboard shortcuts.

Placid template editor - zoom