Auto-generate marketing visuals for your community's content
Auto-generated images & videos
Create thousands of dynamic assets from templates to share your user's content
Unlimited custom templates
Design templates that fit your community's brand: Your fonts, colors, style,..!
Drag & drop editor
Design and edit your templates with our drag & drop editor
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User-generated content + dynamic templates = Automated visuals
Automatically create visuals from user-generated content with our API or nocode integrations. Dynamically fill template layers with texts, images or videos.
Create on-brand templates
Design templates to fit your community's brand with our drag and drop editor, or use our preset designs. Create unlimited templates in any size you need.
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Promote your users & build trust
People love to engage with user-generated content on social media! Highlight your users and build trust in your community and brand. Placid automatically delivers all visuals you need to make UGC shareable.
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Create assets on-demand
With our easy-to-use Studio form, your team can create on-brand visuals whenever you need them. They can upload photos, change texts and generate marketing assets instantly.