Free Open Graph Image Generator

Create open graph images for your social cards with our free tool, or design custom templates for automated workflows!

1. Choose a template

Pick one of our OG image designs. Bold and futuristic, or soft and friendly?

2. Add your content

Fill in your page title, author and more dynamic content elements of your template

3. Generate

Create an image with our free tool, or auto-generate them with our API & integrations

Need og:images & other visuals at scale?
Use our creative automation toolkit!

✓ Custom designs ✓ API & nocode ✓ Images, PDFs & Videos

Placid allows you to generate images, PDFs and videos from custom templates. Design social card images & more marketing visuals with our easy-to-use editor, and generate hundreds or thousands of variations automatically.

You can fill the elements of your templates dynamically with text, images and videos. Quickly produce consistent designs using our APIs or nocode integrations.

Generate custom Open Graph images via our APIs or integrations for Webflow, Ghost & more!

How can I create custom OG images?

Placid offers an editor that works similar to design tools like Canva, Sketch or Figma. You can easily create your own social card designs or customize our presets. Just add, remove and change any element on your templates via drag & drop!

What if I don’t have design experience?

If you need a starting point for a custom design, you can choose from our collection of preset designs for Open Graph images and Twitter cards.

Can I create images for all of my blog posts automatically?

Yes, you can! We offer a REST and URL API for developers, or you can use our nocode integrations for WordPress, Webflow or Ghost to set up automations for your blog content. Sign up for a Placid account to test it!

What file formats can I generate with Placid?

Placid allows you to generate images (PNG or JPG), videos (MP4) or PDFs. Dynamically choose which type of files you want to create.

How many Open Graph images can I create for free?

You can create 5 watermark-free images per day with this free generator. Sign up for Placid for free to get 50 credits to generate more custom creatives and test our integrations.