
Placid helps your creative vision scale. It's like templates on crack.
Auto-generated images & videos
Create thousands of dynamic visuals from custom templates
Custom templates
Design 100% custom templates for your generated visuals
Drag & drop editor
Create and edit templates easily with our drag & drop editor
Design presets
Choose from a collection of predesigned templates
Dynamic elements
Auto-resizing text or color-changing shapes: Use dynamic elements in your templates
Custom image dimensions
Choose the dimensions of your templates flexibly
Easy to use API
Use our URL or REST API to dynamically create visuals
Nocode integrations
Create workflows with Zapier, Webflow, Airtable, Integromat, Ghost or WordPress
One-click generation
With our Studio, you can quickly create images from your templates manually
Image hosting
We host your images for you if you choose to use our URL API
Transfer to your storage
Easily send generated visuals to your S3 buckets to store them yourself
Friendly human support
We care about getting Placid up and running for your project
Generate thousands of on-brand visuals in minutes!
Get started for free