Starter Story

Starter Story is a platform publishing interviews with entrepreneurs daily. Its founder Pat uses Placid to generate their Open Graph and Instagram images, as well as a dozen different Pinterest images for every article.
different templates
images monthly

Being efficient as a solo founder of a growing platform

As a solo founder, Pat automates a lot of his workflows to not waste time on busywork. (He even created his own CRM & automation tool for Gmail!)

Pat completely automated his Pinterest & Instagram accounts with the help of the Placid API and Buffer, and generates multiple image versions every time he publishes a new interview. His Open Graph- and Twitter Card images are also created automatically.

Talk about efficient! Pat takes automation to the next level. 🤯

„With Placid I’m able to generate thousands of beautiful image assets in seconds. I use them on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest to drive tons more traffic to my site.“

Pat Walls
Founder of
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