Paizinho, Vírgula!

Paizinho, Vírgula! is a blog about respectful, loving parenting & childhood development. Founder Thiero Queiroz automated his Open Graph- and Instagram Story images with Placid for WordPress.
template designs
images monthly

Making content ready to share

Thiago is juggling a lot of content, as he is not only a blogger, but also moderates, hosts & produces 3 different podcasts, wrote a book, and runs a shop.

He uses the Placid WordPress plugin to automatically generate branded images for link previews, and to create Instagram story images on demand to share with his 115k+ followers.

We always get excited when we stumble upon his Instagram story images created with Placid! 💙

„Placid has helped me to reduce the time between creating content and sharing it with my followers!“

Thiago Queiroz
Founder of Paizinho, Vírgula!
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