Makerlog is a community of 4,000+ indie makers working on creating their businesses together. Makerlog generates share images for all the user profiles, tasks and discussions the community creates, as well as for their blog.
template designs
images monthly

Sharing your progress (with images)
Makerlog is all about sharing daily progress with others. Members can log the tasks they completed while building an indie business, and discuss any questions they have.
Sergio uses our REST API to generate Twitter card images for every task, discussion and story to encourage sharing outside of the community as well.
We love everything that empowers people to build their own vision from nothing. Sergio inspires thousands of creators to show up every day. This is exactly what we want to support 💪

„Before placid.app, I was going to spend days coding up a system to generate images for our users - which would've taken precious development time and increased server costs. Now, I can finally focus on what matters most: our community.“
Sergio Mattei
Founder of Makerlog
Founder of Makerlog