
Initializing the Placid Canvas

The Placid Canvas allows you to embed a interactive Placid Template directly into your application. This guide walks you through the steps:

Step 1: Embed the Placid SDK

To get started, you'll need to embed the Placid SDK in your HTML. This can be done by including the following script tag, sourced from Placid's CDN:

<script src=""></script>

Step 2: Set Up the Canvas Container

Create a container in your HTML where the canvas will be rendered. For example:

<div id="canvas"></div>

Step 3: Initialize the Canvas

Now, you can initialize the Placid Canvas within the specified container. Use the following JavaScript to create an instance of the canvas:

const canvasInstance = EditorSDK.canvas.create(document.getElementById("canvas"), {
    access_token: "{ YOUR_JWT_TOKEN }",     // Replace with your JWT token
    template_uuid: "{ YOUR_TEMPLATE_UUID }", // Replace with your template UUID

{info} Make sure to replace { YOUR_JWT_TOKEN } with your actual JWT token and { YOUR_TEMPLATE_UUID } with the UUID of the template you wish to display.

Canvas Methods

Here's how you can utilize the methods of the canvas:


const canvasInstance = /* Your canvas instance */;

    "layerText": {
        "text": "This is a text"
    "layerImage": {
        "image": ""

Available methods

Event Description
fillLayers Fill the template with values based on the REST API notation
destroy Destroy the current canvas instance and cleanup

Canvas Events

The SDK offers a range of events to listen to

const canvasInstance = /* Your canvas instance */;

canvasInstance.on('canvas:loaded', (canvasInstance) => {
    console.log('Canvas has loaded the current changes');

// - changing canvas content

Available options

Event Description
canvas:ready Fired when the canvas is ready to work with
canvas:loaded Fired everytime when the canvas has loaded

Canvas Examples

Static Template Preview


<div id="canvas-example-static"></div>


let canvasStatic = document.getElementById("canvas-example-static");

if (canvasStatic) {
    let accessToken =
    let templateUUID = "7qra5qjsu";

    const canvasInstance = EditorSDK.canvas.create(canvasStatic, {
        access_token: accessToken,
        template_uuid: templateUUID,

        title: {
            text: "This is a custom title",
        img: {


Video Template Preview


<div id="canvas-example-animated"></div>


let canvasAnimated = document.getElementById("canvas-example-animated");

if (canvasAnimated) {
    let accessToken =
    let templateUUID = "7qra5qjsu";

    const canvasInstance = EditorSDK.canvas.create(canvasAnimated, {
        access_token: accessToken,
        template_uuid: templateUUID,
        type: "animated"

        title: {
            text: "This is a custom title",


Interactive Template Example


<input onKeyUp="updateCanvasExampleInteractive()" type="text" id="canvas-example-interactive-input" placeholder="Enter your Title" />
<div id="canvas-example-interactive"></div>


let canvasInteractive = document.getElementById("canvas-example-interactive");

if (canvasInteractive) {
    let accessToken =
    let templateUUID = "7qra5qjsu";

    const canvasInstance = EditorSDK.canvas.create(canvasInteractive, {
        access_token: accessToken,
        template_uuid: templateUUID,

    // - update canvas on every input change
    updateCanvasExampleInteractive = () => {
            title: {
                text: document.getElementById(

